Comviq user flow mapping

Mapping user flows to understand user painpoints

Context – The purpose of this mapping was to map how Comviq’s website is structured concerning mobile subscription and find inconsistencies and errors with the design.


Scope – The scope of the mapping was:

  • End to end flows.
  • Errorhandling.
  • Navigation and inconsistencies.
  • Test and analysis compilation.
  • Search usability.
  • Competitive bench-marking.
  • Recommendations for design solutions (if found).


My role – UX researcher, product designer.


Project Time –  4 weeks.


The mapping was performed with three users in mind: users who read everything, users who don’t read and users who read but don’t think.


Nielsens Norman groups ten usability heuristics were used to assess what kind of issue it was. By doing this we analyze how the three user types were affected by the usability issues found, and to understand their:

  • Usual user interactions
  • Pitfalls
  • Pain-points

Finding pain-points

Other tools that were used to understand how user interaction looked and be able to have a data-driven research method was to use insight tools like Usabilla/GetFeedback and Decibel. Using those programs, we were able to be able to track users interaction with the desired flow and find pain-points and issues the customers faced. 


To be able to make the insights actionable, the findings were categorized further in two different categories: Severity and Complexity. The severity rating gave an indication of how bad the user issues were based on its frequency, impact and persistence. The complexity rating was connected to the development time it would take to solve the problem with three different scales: low, medium and high. By doing this, the issues could then be prioritized, where issues that had a high severity paired with a low complexity would be considered ”low hanging fruit”. 

Result of the mapping

Below you can see the overview result of the mapping in a form of a flow chart. The chart shows the overview flow of how the users can navigate through the different webpages when making a subscription purchase.  The total issues of a webpage was presented together with the total of accessibility issues. For example, the home page has 8 issues in total, and 7 out of those 8 issues found can be connected to accessibility.

Examples of findings

Below you can find some examples of the findings that the mapping resulted in. The images containing the blue accessibility symbol in the upper right or lower left corner are issues that can be connected to accessibility. 

Summary of findings

So in summary, the key insights found that we recommended needed to prioritized were:


  • Consistency and standards regarding the design.
  • Error messages.
  • Keyboard accessibility.

Below you can see the charting of all the issues found. This presentation only showed a small section of the issues found in total. Are you interested in knowing more about this particular case? Feel free to contact me! Click here to see my contact info.

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